ER-CLEAN DEGREASER” is a high performance water based alkaline cleaning agent. It is a product of low toxicity that does not contain either nonyl phenols or caustic alkalis. It is consist of biodegradable ingredients safe for oil cleaning and metal degreasing. ER-CLEAN DEGREASER can be used as a cleaning agent for engine rooms, decks, cargo holds or even as a tank cleaner. It efficiently removes heavy grease, sludge, fatty oil, fish oil, animal and vegetable oil. It may attack aliminium and zinc in high concantrations.


  • Multi purpose, Waterbased cleaner
  • Low-Toxic
  • Non flammable
  • Free from hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents
  • No known effect on rubber
  • Very economical dillution rate
  • Numerous marine cleaning & degreasing applications
  • Biodegradable


General Cleaning:

ER-CLEAN DEGREASER may be applied concentrated or diluted with water. The quantity to be used is

proportional to the degree of contamination, the available downtime, the surface area to be covered and the desired degree of cleaning. For heavy duty cleaning and degreasing, ER-CLEAN DEGREASER can be used undiluted whereas for lighter contamination can be used diluted with water depending on the degree and nature of the contamination.


Direct Injection Method:

Prepare a solution of 3%–6% by diluting ER-CLEAN DEGREASER with water. When the prescribed solution is prepared, inject directly to the contaminated area.Afterwards, rinse thoroughly with water.


Recirculation Method: A solution of 5%–10% must beprepared by diluting ER-CLEAN DEGREASER with water. After the solution is prepared, apply by circulating for approximately 6–8 hours. Thereon, wash thoroughly with water. You mayhave to repeat the procedure, in cases of heavy contamination.


Soaking/Immersion Method: Once the solution is prepared, immerse the part, component or unit

to be cleaned and leave it to soak for about 30 minutes, making sure that all the surfaces remain covered in solution. Afterwards rinse thoroughly with water